Ali Mohammad

Eyewitness Information

Name of Witness
Ali Mohammad
Location of interview
Ganz, District Gwadar
Where the eyewitness was and went during the event
Ganz, District Gwadar
Age at time of inteview/ Date of Birth of the eyewitness
80 years
Age of eyewitnes during the event
5 years
Career of the eyewitness
Date of Interview

Interview result (text of the interview: Purely descriptive)

Sea water receded first (300 meters or more) and then three waves attacked the shoreline. Community was settled much behind the area at that time and there used to be a fishing godown/ store was situated at the place where we are sitting now. The shoreline was also at least I km away from the present day shoreline. Waves were higher than the houses but being the community located away from shore and at higher ground, the water cannot enter the houses. People who were in the sea could not feel earthquake and were surprised to see the destruction/ damage.

Key Message

Sea water receded first (300 meters or more) and then three waves attacked the shoreline
Reference Number: EIPK0005