Mohammad Raheem (next generation)

Eyewitness Information

Name of Witness
Mohammad Raheem (next generation)
Location of interview
Ganz, District Gwadar
Where the eyewitness was and went during the event
Ganz, District Gwadar
Age at time of inteview/ Date of Birth of the eyewitness
40 years
Age of eyewitnes during the event
Career of the eyewitness
Date of Interview

Interview result (text of the interview: Purely descriptive)

Three or four months back, when it was shrimp season, the sea was calm but we saw a wave approaching shore four hours after the Avaran Earthquake we felt at Jewni. The sea receded and came forward 10-12 times. I had a doubt it was a tsunami as we have been trained in tsunami natural observation signs by NGOs. I also attended an international training on coastal hazards few years back.
Reference Number: EIPK0006